Teachers should only use Separations/Pairings for the most essential situations, or it becomes mathematically impossible to make balanced classes.


1. Once the school administrator sends the teachers a survey invitation the teacher will need to follow the instructions in the email to set their password.


2. Teachers will receive an email invitation and follow the link to login to Class Creator.


3. Teachers will need to select Surveys or Complete class survey from the Class Creator Dashboard.


4. The teacher's current class should be displayed, with the required data fields above as tabs.

  • If a teacher's students are not displayed please notify your school administrator.
  • Surveys save automatically.

  • Survey fields will vary depending on your school’s settings.
    Definitions for Separations, Pairings and Preferences

  • If a student is missing/entered incorrectly, the school administrator can add/edit the student.

  • If a teacher’s survey is blank the school administrator should check the Teacher and StudentsCurrent Class is exactly the same.