If you're importing incoming students who do not yet have a Student ID or manually adding new students without a Student ID - please leave the Student ID BLANK. This information can be added later manually. 

It's important that no two students are added with the same Student ID. This ID is what connects a student to their data and historical information.



Any student that is not currently at your school won't have a current class.

For incoming preschool students, you can list their Kindergarten or Pre-school name as their new class. This will help identify them when placing them into classes as their 'current class (preschool/kinder)' will be listed after their name. 

For new students starting in other grades, we recommend listing their current class as 'NEW'.This will place all the new students, regardless of their grade level, in the same class.

This is useful as a way to add survey information (making it easy to find them in the surveys) and also to identify them when placing them into classes as their 'current class' will be listed after their name.