If you wish to import additional information with your students please follow the step below.

Schools must send the spreadsheet to Class Creator to upload, they cannot upload it directly into the system.

1. Download the Class Creator Import Students with Additional Info Template below.

Download via Google Drive

Download via Dropbox


2. Watch the video below.



3. Complete the spreadsheet. Please take care to ensure the formatting is correct or it will not import. Please reach out if you have any questions, we're here to help.


4. Email the spreadsheet to help@classcreator.io

Please include in the email if you would like the students currently in your Class Creator to be:

Deleted: No history saved.
If you wish to delete the previously imported students.

Archived: History saved.
Generally used by schools when they are reimporting their student list for their 2nd+ year.

Nothing: Students currently in the system will remain in the system.
Generally used when schools are adding new incoming students (eg new kinder students) to their existing account.