Once you have...
- Uploaded your students
- Uploaded your teachers
- Sent survey invitations
- Configured your classes
- Assigned teachers (Optional)
- Teachers have completed their surveys
Then process of creating classes begins.
Click on Classes and you will have the option to Create Classes or open Saved Classes.
Start New
Class Creator’s “teacher logic” algorithm will produce a version of classes - You can select to create a whole school version (good for schools with composite classes/over lapping year levels) or individual grade levels.
Each time you select “Create New” this version will be loaded unless the student database has changed (a student has been added or deleted) or the surveys have been changed.
The classes displayed will match your school class configuration.
Students will be spread as evenly as possible amongst the classes, using data from the surveys.
Open Saved
If you have saved classes you can open them from the left hand side menu under 'Saved Classes'.
You can also open saved classes from previous years allowing you to export all previous student data.